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27 / Dec / 2016
The plug types and cable regulations of each countries in the world are different. Here are the general classifications and the corresponding plug models of our company for your easy comparison. If you have any demand, please feel free to contact with us.
FOUR TWO Electronics produces safety approval power cord plugs and various types of wire assemblyies. We provide high-quality products, competitive prices, prompt delivery, and professional services.

ST-101 (US/CA), ST-102 (US/CA)

ST-101 (JP), ST-102 (JP), ST-103 (JP), ST-106 (JP), ST-823 (JP), ST-824 (JP), ST-825 (JP) 

ST-401 (CN)

ST-101 (TW), ST-102 (TW), ST-106 (TW)

North America Nema 1-15P
Japan Appendix 4 / Attachment Plugs
China GB 2099 / GB 1002
Taiwan CNS 690


ST-201 (US/CA), ST-205 (US/CA), ST-212 (US/CA), ST-225 (US/CA), ST-251 (US/CA)


ST-201 (JP), ST-211(JP), ST-212 (JP)


ST-201 (TW), ST-211 (TW), ST-212 (TW)

North America Nema 5-15P

Japan Appendix 4 / Attachment Plugs

Taiwan CNS 690


ST-104 (EU),

ST-207 (KR)

ST-203 (BR), ST-414 (BR), ST-414A (BR)

Europe EN50075

Korea KS C8305/KTL

Brazil NBR 14136

D ST-421 Old British Standard
BS 546
SABS 164/1

ST-301 (EU), ST-302 (EU)

ST-301 (KR), ST-302 (KR)

Europe CEE 7/7

Korea KC60884-1

F       ST-332 Europe CEE7/17  

ST-307 (UK), ST-308 (UK), ST-309 (UK)

ST-309 (Saudi Arabia)

British Standard BS 1363

SASO 2203


H ST-605 Israel SI 32

ST-303, ST-304


ST-402, ST-403, ST-404, ST-405

Australia / New Zealand
AS/NZS 3112, AS/NZS 3100

China GB 2099 / GB 1002

J ST-313 Europe Switzerland SEV 1011
K ST-609 Europe Denmark
DK 2-1a/DK 2-5a
L ST-319 Europe Italy
CEl 23 - 16/Vll
M ST-306, ST-417 Old British Standard
BS 546
SABS 164/1
N ST-415, ST-416 Brazil NBR 14136
Afghanist C, F
Albania C, F
Algeria C, F
American A,B,F,I
Andorra C, F
Angola C
Anguilla A
Antigua a A,B
Argentina C,I
Armenia C,F
Aruba A,B,F
Australia I
Austria C,F
Azerbaija C,F
Bahamas A,B
Bahrain G
Banglade C,D,G,K
Barbados A,B
Belarus C,F
Belgium C,E
Belize A,B,G
Benin C,E
Bermuda A,B
Bhutan C,D,F,G,
Bolivia A,C
Bosnia an C,F
Botswana D,G,M
Brazil C,N
British Vir A,B
Brunei Da G
Bulgaria C,F
Burkina F C,E
Burundi C,E
Cambodi A,C,G
Cameroo C,E
Canada A,B
Cape Ver C,F
Cayman I A,B
Central Af C,E
Chad C,D,E,F
Chile C,L
China A,C,I
Colombia A,B
Comoros C,E
Congo C,E
Cook Isla I
Costa Ric A,B
Cote d'Ivo C,E
Croatia C,F
Cuba A,B
Cyprus G
Czech Re C,E
Denmark C,E,F,K
Djibouti C,E
Dominica D,G
Dominica A,B
Ecuador A,B
Egypt C,F
El Salvad A,B
Equatorial C,E
Eritrea C,L
Estonia C,F
Ethiopia C,E,F,L
Falkland I G
Faroe Isla C,E,F,K
Fiji I
Finland C,F
France C,E
French G C,D,E
Gabon C
Gambia G
Georgia C,F
Germany C,F
Ghana D,G
Gibraltar C,G
Greece C,F
Greenland C,E,F,K
Grenada G
Guadelou C,D,E
Guam A,B
Guatemal A,B
Guinea C,F,K
Guinea Bi C
Guyana A,B,D,G
Haiti A,B
Honduras A,B
Hong Kon D,G
Hungary C,F
Iceland C,F
India C,D,M
Indonesia C,F
Iran C,F
Iraq C,D,G
Ireland G
Isle of Ma C,G
Israel C,H,M
Italy C,F,L
Jamaica A,B
Japan A,B
Jordan B,C,D,F,
Kazakhst C,F
Kenya G
Kiribati I
Korea, D A,C,F
Korea, Re C,F
Kuwait C,G
Kyrgyzsta C,F
Lao Peop A,B,C,E,F
Latvia C,F
Lebanon A,B,C,D,
Lesotho M
Liberia A,B,C,E,F
Libya C,D,F,L
Liechtenst C,J
Lithuania C,F
Luxembo C,F
Macau D,M,G,F
Macedoni C,F
Madagas C,D,E,J,K
Malawi G
Malaysia A,C,G,M
Maldives A,C,D,G,J
Mali C,E
Malta G
Martiniqu C,D,E
Mauritani C
Mauritius C,G
Mexico A,B
Micronesi A,B
Moldova C,F
Monaco C,D,E,F
Mongolia C,E
Monteneg C,F
Montserra A,B
Morocco C,E
Mozambi C,F,M
Myanmar C,D,F,G
Namibia D,M
Nauru I
Nepal C,D,M
Netherlan C,F
Netherlan A,B,C,F
New Cale C,F
New Zeal I
Nicaragua A,B
Niger A,B,C,D,
Nigeria D,G
Norway C,F
Oman C,G
Pakistan C,D,G,M
Palau A,B
Panama A,B
Papua Ne I
Paraguay C
Peru A,B,C
Philippine A,B,C
Poland C,E
Portugal C,F
Puerto Ri A,B
Qatar D,G
Reunion E
Romania C,F
Russia C,F
Rwanda C,J
Saint Kitts A,B,D,G
Saint Luci G
Saint Mart C,F
Saint Vinc A,C,E,G,I,
Samoa I
San Marin C,F,L
Sao Tom C,F
Saudi Ara A,B,F,G
Senegal C,D,E,K
Serbia C,F
Seychelle G
Sierra Le D,G
Singapor C,G,M
Slovakia C,E
Slovenia C,F
Solomon I I,G
Somalia C
South Afri C,D,M,N
Spain C,F
Sri Lanka D,M,G
Sudan C,D
Suriname C,F
Swaziland M
Sweden C,F
Switzerlan C,J
Syrian Ar C,E,L
Taiwan A,B
Tajikistan C,F,I
Tanzania D,G
Thailand A,B,C,F
Timor-Les C,E,F,I
Togo C
Tonga I
Trinidad a A,B
Tunisia C,E
Turkey C,F
Turkmenistan B,C,F
Turks and Caicos Islands A,B
Tuvalu I
Uganda G
Ukraine C,F
United Arab Emirates C,D,G
United Kingdom G
United States Virgin Islands A,B
United States of America A,B
Uruguay C,F,I,L
Uzbekista C,I
Vanuatu C,G,I
Venezuel A,B
Vietnam A,C,F
Yemen A,D,G
Zambia C,D,G
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